Regime Update

We’re trying. Mornings can be a bit crazy. We basically missed a sit-down breakfast this morning because we were running out the door. But, I’ve been praying morning and evening more systematically and doing more regular/organized tooth brushing. Good! Also focusing on baby more. Once I started paying more attention to her, things started feeling …

Parenting dilemma

Lately baby cries at everything I do. I thought I might be exaggerating or making this up until my husband commented that he’s noticed this, too. Suggesting clothes; putting on diapers; offering food; doing anything myself; trying to get her into a bath, brushing her teeth, brushing her hair. And particularly trying to change or …

Regime Change

Things are going to change around here.They have to. We’ve had too many late nights, too frequent crying baby, not enough good food, and insufficient progress towards our goals. Starting now: My new priorities. 1) Spirituality. Praying morning, evening + obligatory prayer each day. Doesn’t have to be long. Does have to be focused and …

Work Magic

Things have been happening at work. More things, harder things, faster things. Magic! I started being systematic with one productivity/anti-procrastination strategy of making a to-do list for the following day at the end of each workday. I’ve been taking time to do it – up to 15 minutes – as I work through my to …

Money and Babies

Two separate thoughts. Husband and I watched one of Dave Ramsey’s finance videos tonight, and we’re totally on board with actually getting on top of our finances. It is a great feeling to be tackling our money and future again, improving on what we’re doing now. It’s also wonderful and fortunate to have a partner …