Baby Speak

Resisting the idea of a bath last night: “Already all clean!” while swiping a hand across her chest. On passing a yellow car on the road to work this morning: “Mo yayo ‘side mama A’ya” Resisting my offer of avocado or other food: “Date! Mo Date!” Colouring in her colouring book last night: “I do …

Sophisticated Humour

When I was young I liked to read comics. My favourites were Peanuts – I must have had 50 – 100, and I read them repeatedly. I think the appeal was escaping into a contained, idealized world where the seasons rolled round regularly, there was community, people played together, worked together and did identifiable fun …

New Game

“Fine me, fine me!” baby was asking for a few days before I figured out she wanted to play hide and seek. She runs into one of her favourite corners of the room and stands, back to the wall, a shy, proud, excited smile on her face. I wander the basement, calling her name and …

Baby Connect

Wow, what an amazing baby day. Okay, I was near my edge a couple of times when she dumped out her food and it took over an hour to leave the house … but a full day of intense time with her leaves me loving her more and more, and feeling more fully in the …

Room for All

I was thinking today about some of the different blogs I read, and all the great writers out there. I quite love my list of links right now, by the way – all so interesting and perfectly inspiring and engrossing! Thank you for sharing your writing with me. In any case, many of these bloggers …

Approximately 365

I cannot believe that I started this blogging project a year ago. Impossible!! One day I up and decided to write daily for an entire year. Well, here’s a brief overview of the experience. What I learned: I like writing and expressing myself. This was a great way to do that. I can write daily …