
Our home internet is down. That, combined with a very busy day at work and packing to head on a trip means that I MISSED A DAY!!! No uninterrupted full year of blogging. I’m okay with it. We’re in Vancouver at a work conference for me. I won’t travel without baby yet, so husband and …


Progress on goals today: moderate. Have not really walked yet, BUT have done exercise at my desk while reading :). Super-fun and fun to watch, I’m sure! plies/deep knee bends, and lifting objects over my head (objects = my big binder of reference materials). Have responded to emails as I read them. And am now …

Catching up

Work, work work. I feel the weight of a lot of it right now. Here’s what I plan to do about the stress and anxiety I’m experiencing. 1) Exercise. I need more. For my bones (recently found out they’re seriously weak – yech) and for my mental state. 2) Respond to emails as I read …

Working the work

Today I worked! It was brilliant! Didn’t arrive until 9:30, but I settled right in, thanks to non-working email. I was also inspired by a “getting things done” list from Julie Morgenstern that I’d brought in to work, and focused on her “do not multitask” recommendation. So I cleared my desk and started to work …

Monday recap

Today: pretty good. Baby woke up just before the alarm went off. Lots of nursing and potty. With husband’s help, we were fed and out of the house before 8. Baby drop-off: seamless. Arriving at work: parked in a nearer lot, and time to login to computer and get to presentation early. Presentation: went well. …


I wish it were Tuesday. Sigh. I have a presentation to give tomorrow morning and I’ve been stressing about it for a while. It’s an important one, there’s a lot of content, and BLEH, I’ve been struggling to focus and prepare appropriately. Plus, it’s first thing tomorrow, so we need to get out of the …

Cleaning up

Today I had a day off work because of some family things that needed attending to. I had some time in there while mom watched baby to sit in a restaurant and then coffee shop, eating and working. It was a good opportunity to catch up on a few things and think about what to …

Bad Parenting

Yesterday night I made a parenting decision that made me wonder about my to make decisions. In bed, trying to get baby to sleep. Nursing, bottle, napping, and before you know it she’s sitting up, signing “eat!” and making her adorable “I’m hungry!” noise: “umm, mm, mmm.” I thought it made sense to keep her …

Looking Insane

Yesterday at work was busy as usual. I was working on files and printing in the room across the hallway. The printer room, with the temperamental printer, is shared with another busy unit. I went in to pick up my print job and saw a man standing in front of the shredder holding a few …