Working the work

Today I worked! It was brilliant!
Didn’t arrive until 9:30, but I settled right in, thanks to non-working email. I was also inspired by a “getting things done” list from Julie Morgenstern that I’d brought in to work, and focused on her “do not multitask” recommendation. So I cleared my desk and started to work through items one by one. Papers got filed, and articles I had meant to tackle were read and responded to.

Of course, I did multi task and the phone rang and there was all kinds of up and down and all-around-ing going on, but largely I managed to focus. And when I got hung up on one project, I switched to another instead of simply zoning out.

By the end of the day I had made reasonable progress on 4 or 5 things I was working on, cleared up a number of other small items, had a plan for work on Monday, and felt inspired by the process. I can get on top of the work I have to do by diligent focus and energetic attention.

And, I had time to visit a bit, take a lunch break, pump twice and leave by 4:45. Great!

what does this have to do with peace? Lots, though the connection in my writing has maybe not been as clear lately. In life lately, I”m trying to achieve a calm state of mind, happiness in my heart, accomplishment of necessary tasks and being in the moment. I think I’m a bit closer than I was a while ago. We’ll see how it continues to unfold

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