Crock Pot Failure

After a long and occasionally stressful day, I returned home, excited to know that at least dinner awaited. Not just dinner: a fully, yummy crock pot of the awesome chana masala I make. And let me tell you, it is good. Rich, brothy, spicy, filling. A truly delightful dish, perfect for the end of a …

Memory loss

I have no recollection of what I planned to write about tonight. Baby’s bedtime took from 6 something until after 10. She actually went to sleep without a problem at 7, but woke up 15 minutes later. With lots of crying, we got out of bed instead of staying there. Videos on the computer finally …

Magical Evening

Driving up to my mom’s after work, I noticed the snow specks glistening in the near-dark. Baby was happy to see me, reenacting the same welcome she’s done all week: “MAMA! MAMA! as she smiles and races by the gate at the top of the stairs. We nursed and played the chase-me game as I …