Magical Evening

Driving up to my mom’s after work, I noticed the snow specks glistening in the near-dark. Baby was happy to see me, reenacting the same welcome she’s done all week: “MAMA! MAMA! as she smiles and races by the gate at the top of the stairs. We nursed and played the chase-me game as I dressed her up to leave.
I stopped to fill my empty gas tank on the way home and played peek-a-boo with a laughing baby through the car window. Things fell silent after that, and she was sweetly asleep when I arrived home.

We opted to let her sleep and so I gently laid her in bed, unzipping her jacket and taking off her mittens. We had the luxury of dinner and conversation, uninterrupted.

Given the weather, a sleeping but might-wake baby, and a tired hubby, I opted out of drumming for the night. On a cold, snowy evening, staying home was the much more desirable option.

A wonderful, luxurious, cleansing shower came next! No-poo worked the best it ever has on my hair, actually seeming to clean the way it’s supposed to.

Drying off, I heard noises from the bedroom so dashed nakedly to nurse my waking baby. After 20+ minutes of nursing, bottle, and lying down under the blankets, she opted to wake up. Happy and rested!

Since then, she’s played with me and her dad, counted socks, ridden on her car, and eaten some bites of pasta, cheese and orange. She helped unpack our grocery delivery, arranged the oranges in a bowl and took them out of the fridge again, learned about the orange’s belly-button, laughed and experimented as we did orange juggling tricks.

Now we’re reading, playing, doing laundry, and accepting that bedtime tonight will be late.

With the snow falling outside, it makes for a perfect evening.

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