
Wow. I just wrote a post on regret that I really liked. It expressed what I am feeling right now, what I’m learning, and how I’m moving forward. And then, guess what? I lost it. Want to know what I regret right now?

Approximately 365

I cannot believe that I started this blogging project a year ago. Impossible!! One day I up and decided to write daily for an entire year. Well, here’s a brief overview of the experience. What I learned: I like writing and expressing myself. This was a great way to do that. I can write daily …

Vacation Madness

We plan to head on vacation on Sunday. We are, therefore, in the midst of pre-vacation madness. Husband and I have never left on time for a trip. Our first trip together, I think we left a day and a half after our ETD. Somehow, all the different components (car preparation and repairs; packing for …

The Countdown

My post count reads 270. That means there are fewer than 100 days of blogging left in this 365-day experiment. What does that mean? I’ve wondered whether I’ll persist for a year, and if I do, what comes after. Currently am unsure. I enjoyed one blog of a year’s decluttering – that blogger has decided …


Our home internet is down. That, combined with a very busy day at work and packing to head on a trip means that I MISSED A DAY!!! No uninterrupted full year of blogging. I’m okay with it. We’re in Vancouver at a work conference for me. I won’t travel without baby yet, so husband and …

Half-way there

Today marks the start of the second half of this blogging project. In other words: I have just blogged daily for 6 months* and plan to continue until summer. EEEK! I started the project somewhat impulsively. I had a sudden idea that inspired me, I planned it out, got super excited, then gave up (too …