
First, a link to follow up on my comments yesterday about work, loving work or not, looking for my passion. I appreciate the comments about procrastination – I do procrastinate at work – and then I think about what  I do even if I’m not paid for it: write; write; read; prepare talks and presentations; …


This week has definitely not been one of outstanding performance on any front. Tired. Sick. A bit low. Unmotivated. So, motivation: what is it, and why don’t I have more? I’ve been thinking about the things I sink my teeth into and the ones I don’t. I would like to figure out what it is …

And again

Yes, it’s 11:30. Though I did, apparently, get a bit of a nap once baby finally fell asleep. Since 10:30 I have been: consulting with my husband; sending an important email concerning my volunteer obligations; wandering around trying to figure out what to do; snacking on corn chips and salsa; lamenting the fact that I …

Beat again

After 10, just blogging, and wiped out. How does this happen night after night?? And how on earth am I going to find time to do writing and teach a course??? Anyone?

Memory loss

I have no recollection of what I planned to write about tonight. Baby’s bedtime took from 6 something until after 10. She actually went to sleep without a problem at 7, but woke up 15 minutes later. With lots of crying, we got out of bed instead of staying there. Videos on the computer finally …

My private thoughts

And fantasies, too. Baby is nursing to sleep in the middle of the day. I’m sitting in bed, holding her. My brain goes: “Good, she’s going to sleep. Probably be out for almost 2 hours. I might blog, get that done. Or maybe I’ll get around to working on the course – lots of prep …

Sleepy day

Baby up at 5:30. Really?? Though I realize that for most parents, and anyone fasting, that’s no big deal. She kept going until around 12:30 when my husband got home and I handed over responsibility. We cuddled and played a lot in bed, did some important work (laundry, unloading the dishwasher), and played with blocks …