More Simple Solutions to Stressful Problems

Cutting baby’s fingernails = I can’t do it. For the first year-ish, instead of cutting, I ripped them (really, there’s science behind that. They’re soft and easy to rip. No damage, and a softer edge than if you use clippers). Now that she’s older, she is highly resistant when awake (to ripping OR clipping) so …

Baby Yogini

Today baby lead us in a yoga practice. She likes to initiate them whenever the spirit moves her. She lies down on the floor and calls us to practice: “Mama!” (pats the floor on one side of her). “Dada!” (pats the floor on the other side). We follow our inspired leader, dropping whatever mundane task …


First, a link to follow up on my comments yesterday about work, loving work or not, looking for my passion. I appreciate the comments about procrastination – I do procrastinate at work – and then I think about what  I do even if I’m not paid for it: write; write; read; prepare talks and presentations; …