Room for All

I was thinking today about some of the different blogs I read, and all the great writers out there. I quite love my list of links right now, by the way – all so interesting and perfectly inspiring and engrossing! Thank you for sharing your writing with me. In any case, many of these bloggers …

Acceptance round 3 or 4

Almost 2 months ago I started drumming again. My old teacher was holding weekly jam sessions for advanced students on afro-cuban drumming. I love that stuff, so I went, and was completely invigorated. As time has gone by, I’ve continued to enjoy the evenings often, but also dread them a bit. Finding time to practice …

Cleaning up

Today I had a day off work because of some family things that needed attending to. I had some time in there while mom watched baby to sit in a restaurant and then coffee shop, eating and working. It was a good opportunity to catch up on a few things and think about what to …

Half-way there

Today marks the start of the second half of this blogging project. In other words: I have just blogged daily for 6 months* and plan to continue until summer. EEEK! I started the project somewhat impulsively. I had a sudden idea that inspired me, I planned it out, got super excited, then gave up (too …