Breastfeeding Blues

I’m going through another bout of frustration and worry about breastfeeding. This one must have been brought on by our switch out of donated breastmilk to formula – we’re making one from goat’s milk. And there’s a lot going on around that: regular store trips to get the milk, wondering if we’re making it right, …

Expectations and Elimination

Today’s lunch: better than anticipated. I was there first, sitting with baby, and a friendly face came around the corner. We recognized each other; he brought a gift for baby which she enjoyed. It’s interesting for me to consider what I expected. I was expecting a high-powered, full-of-himself networking-obsessed status-seeking go-getter. The type of person …

Body Update

So, finally something about a very important topic: body and health. Yes, I do agree that the limited time I give it on the blog reflects at least to some degree the low priority I place on self-care. Unfortunate! Since baby was born, choosing to have time just to myself has not been that important …

Peace is

No alarm clock. Happy morning, midday and afternoon baby. Ripe tomato in the garden. Two long walks in one day with my family. Getting started on house clean-up. Tea. Hearing from two old friends. Filing my final EI report. Fava beans. Baby asleep by 8 on my chest. Ignoring the rest of the chores until …

The Body

I ask you: what is better than rolling around naked on your bed with a happy, fresh-from-the-bath baby? That, plus your husband cleaning up after a reno and making the back room look amazing, you say? Yes! Today I encountered quite a few things that brought me peace and joy related to the body and …