Second Literary Reference

Driving home tonight from a visit to my brother-in-law and kids who are camping for the weekend. A fun evening with swimming in the lake!
Baby’s happy in the back seat, talking about what we’re doing. “Go to town. In town.”

Yes, we’re going into town!

“Go to town in bed.”

That’s right! We’ll go to bed when we get home in town.

“Red … Ned … bed.”

Red, Ned, Ted, Ed in bed?

Red, Ned Ted, Ed, in bed. A’ya too!

Quoting Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss! Life inspiring her to remember a quote, and connecting her life to a quote from a book. She is a girl after my own heart.

Oh, and also? How I love to read while I eat? One of her new favourite nursing things is “Um nums read”: She latches on and I hold a book and read while she nurses. I’ve clarified that I can only do this with little books, as big ones are too hard to hold.

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