Regime Change

Things are going to change around here.They have to. We’ve had too many late nights, too frequent crying baby, not enough good food, and insufficient progress towards our goals. Starting now: My new priorities. 1) Spirituality. Praying morning, evening + obligatory prayer each day. Doesn’t have to be long. Does have to be focused and …

Monday recap

Today: pretty good. Baby woke up just before the alarm went off. Lots of nursing and potty. With husband’s help, we were fed and out of the house before 8. Baby drop-off: seamless. Arriving at work: parked in a nearer lot, and time to login to computer and get to presentation early. Presentation: went well. …

Food Cravings

I’ve always had dreams about food. I remember one particularly horrible dream when I was a teenager, eating chocolate and chicken-flavoured chocolate chips. And often, when my body seems to be low on energy, I’ll dream about salmon or something sugary. But since getting pregnant the cravings have been increasingly vivid and frequent. Last night …