Choosing Peace

Today I had an annoying phone conversation. I was told that, for purely administrative reasons which were incomprehensible to me, I needed to fill in yet another form to clear costs from the conference I attended in March. Apparently something was an advance, and something something else, something bla bla bla, use this code and …

Working the work

Today I worked! It was brilliant! Didn’t arrive until 9:30, but I settled right in, thanks to non-working email. I was also inspired by a “getting things done” list from Julie Morgenstern that I’d brought in to work, and focused on her “do not multitask” recommendation. So I cleared my desk and started to work …

Reclaiming Time

Yesterday I finally realized in a meaningful way that the free time I have is precious and I am spending a good portion of it doing something with minimal productive value. So today, I officially started on a break from Facebook. I added this as a status line – my first in maybe years – …