Bad Parenting

Yesterday night I made a parenting decision that made me wonder about my to make decisions. In bed, trying to get baby to sleep. Nursing, bottle, napping, and before you know it she’s sitting up, signing “eat!” and making her adorable “I’m hungry!” noise: “umm, mm, mmm.” I thought it made sense to keep her …


Another one come and gone. I do not intend to mourn its passing, however, but to reflect on the pace of life weekends of late have inspired in our home and what that might mean into the future. This weekend we got a few things done around here – really, our usual weekend routine: Changed …

Facing materialism

I am nearing the end of my shopping streak, and am somewhat relieved. My wardrobe feels much more workable, so that objective seems to be achieved. I no longer feel pressure to find time on weekends and nights to rush out and scour the racks for essential clothing items. My credit card can take a …


Today was a good day. Visit with a friend, then baby sleeping in my arms for a good part of her 3-hour nap (like, 2.5 hours of it) while I read (Mango something … too tired to remember the title … Mango Season, that’s it!). However. It’s 10:15, I’m WIPED OUT and need to sleep. …

How to not have fun

Hello grammarians: infinitive split deliberately. I actively engaged in “not fun having” today! Step 1: procrastinate at work. Step 2: beat yourself up about it. Step 3: leave work late because you are trying to catch up. Step 4: instead of enjoying a couple of hours of personal time while your husband picks up baby …

Looking Insane

Yesterday at work was busy as usual. I was working on files and printing in the room across the hallway. The printer room, with the temperamental printer, is shared with another busy unit. I went in to pick up my print job and saw a man standing in front of the shredder holding a few …

Pick a topic, any topic

Today was one of those busy days (with admittedly a good dose of procrastination) and tired evenings where, once I sit down to blog, all the interesting topics I thought of writing about today vanish from my head. Baby just went to sleep and the house is mainly clean thanks primarily to husband who did …