Pick a topic, any topic

Today was one of those busy days (with admittedly a good dose of procrastination) and tired evenings where, once I sit down to blog, all the interesting topics I thought of writing about today vanish from my head. Baby just went to sleep and the house is mainly clean thanks primarily to husband who did …


Things have felt kind of crazy and too busy the last week or two. This weekend was no exception. I spent too much time running around and rushing to get stuff done. With lots of cooking, some shopping, decluttering and picking up messes, the days flew by. Now it’s Sunday night and I don’t feel …

Work and Stress

Returning to work after a long vacation = not much fun. I thought I liked my job. And maybe I did. Returning to it is a different story. I think that the months of hard work leading up to the vacation wore me out. I was tired of the intense pace of work and never …