Mom Struggles

Being a mother is hard. It has joy, definitely, and is the best thing in the world, and maybe that’s why it’s a never ending project. Children keep growing; needs keep changing; personal circumstances keep evolving, and with each change, the intensity continues. I had a small mothering shift a couple of weeks ago. I …

Montessori Inspiration

In pursuit of a parenting and educational direction for our girl, I’ve just started reading “The Child in the Family” by Maria Montessori. I am the most engrossed I’ve been in years by a technical non-fiction book. Her ideas feel respectful and wise. Here’s one, regarding how we tend to interpret as misbehaviour childhood actions …

Baby Connect

Wow, what an amazing baby day. Okay, I was near my edge a couple of times when she dumped out her food and it took over an hour to leave the house … but a full day of intense time with her leaves me loving her more and more, and feeling more fully in the …

Regime Update

We’re trying. Mornings can be a bit crazy. We basically missed a sit-down breakfast this morning because we were running out the door. But, I’ve been praying morning and evening more systematically and doing more regular/organized tooth brushing. Good! Also focusing on baby more. Once I started paying more attention to her, things started feeling …

Parenting dilemma

Lately baby cries at everything I do. I thought I might be exaggerating or making this up until my husband commented that he’s noticed this, too. Suggesting clothes; putting on diapers; offering food; doing anything myself; trying to get her into a bath, brushing her teeth, brushing her hair. And particularly trying to change or …