Ready for isolation weekend

I am worn out … the information overload from this week is taking its toll. So glad for Friday night, and the weekend.

Some random thoughts from the week:

Is anyone else starting a list of things to do and get, urgently, once this is past? The list is on my desk, and I’m ready to hit the stores hard once it is completely clear to do so. Because, you know, what if this comes back?

6 feet doesn’t feel like enough distance. I don’t want to breathe anyone’s air.

I’m so grateful for everything online. Daughter has been drawing up a storm thanks to various streaming art classes, and I’ve felt connected in a way that has really helped.

I have more anxiety than I realized about this. It’s easy to see it as remote, even now. But it’s here. Breathe, sleep, walk, yoga, hug (I’m so lucky to live with family), and trust.

I’m so glad for every stock-up we did in the past.

My urge to renovate is HIGH. All this time indoors … fortunately, as we’re in the middle of projects, we have the supplies we need to do quite a bit. If not a full addition.

Growing our own food no longer is a fun hobby. I am so down with the need to produce food hyper-locally. Relatedly, we stopped at a farm stand yesterday and will definitely be doing this a lot more.

I wish we could get everyone to STOP what they are doing and stay home, all the time. Please just stay home.

Sending love, peace, warm thoughts to all.

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