
A wonderful husband who makes dinner, helps us out of the house in the morning, and cares how I’m doing.
Sweet sweet baby watching me leave and return from the same window.

Loving mom who encourages me.

Propolis to ward off the impending cold.

Getting things done at work, including those long put off.

A meeting that went better than expected.

Interesting student presentation and reflections on colonialism, literature and life.

Skipping drumming to stay home and rest with my family.


Lots of tea.

Baby suddenly figuring out how to imitate our speech, learning the words for body parts: “Neh, nee, neh, knee … bum bum … arm”

Blogging by 9ish, a bit of time to read and bed.

It’s not so bad. Winter, illness and emotional exhaustion will pass. Spring will come.

One Comment

  1. Allison Brewer

    yes! it will!

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