Return to Work

Yes, first day back at work and surviving so far. I realized that not thinking about work while I was off was possibly a defense strategy. Coming in today was harder than I thought. Packing up baby for a start, even with all of my husband’s help. Then thinking about all the work, projects and difficult tasks and conversations that lie ahead and that I would rather not deal with. So here I am, back in the office, trying slowly to get myself back into work mode.
Strategies for adapting back to work after a break:
1. Finish things off before you leave! I am grateful that I took care of most urgent business before I left and that my office was relatively clean and organized. Knowing that things were reasonably in order eases my mind as I step back into my workspace.

2. Take time to organize. And then for those things that weren’t taken care of! I’m taking time today to move boxes around, sort papers, fill water bottles and generally make the space feel comfortable. Nesting into this spot helps me feel at home and centred and ready to move forward.

3. Think slow: No meetings. Aaah … the one meeting I had today was moved to tomorrow (not that it would have been a stressful one, but still). That means I have a day to clean email, figure out priorities and get my brain back into work mode before I have to perform.

4. People first. I’ve stopped to talk with a few people today, and others have been lovely to come by and say hello. Connecting with people reminds me of some of the fun side of my job.

5. Make a list. Later in the day I’m going to figure out my to-do list for the week, month and year (at least roughly), ensuring that I capture all the to-dos on my mind at the moment. I don’t have to do them all today but knowing I’ve got a plan will ease my mind and get me ready for a productive day-2 in the office.

6. Do work that is fun. I took some time while sorting emails to read through some of the educational pieces that have been emailed to me over the couple of months that I haven’t had time to get to. Educational, worthwhile, enjoyable AND part of my work.

In that vein, here’s an article on Finnish education that I came across today – another take on why it works and why we don’t often hear about why it works. And I still want to move to Finland :). My husband says it’s a go too, so we’ll see when it happens!! Of course, I also want to move to Israel and Costa Rica …

Wishing many of you a successful and pleasurable first day back after the holidays!

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