Looong day

Normal morning. After breakfast headed to Credit Union (safety deposit box drop) then walk with baby to the park to see the birds.
At the park, started thinking about my wallet. How, though it’s cool and locally made, I really didn’t need to buy it and don’t love it. Then started wondering where my wallet was and had a moment of realization that it was lost. Guess what? It was! Not in the stroller or on the ground. Nowhere on the route back home. Not in the Credit Union.

So my morning, once my mom got there after baby’s attempted nap (why do I get so frustrated when she doesn’t sleep? I do not know) I got to spend a few hours cancelling cards and requesting new ones. Awesome. Will try and get a new driver’s licence tomorrow and that takes care of the main ones. The bigger nuisance is all the loyalty cards (not a huge number, but a few) and the ones I don’t even remember I have. I mean, do I need a new Aeroplan card? Probably not, but I sometimes use it at gas stations. Though I think my MEC card was recently moved to my wallet … drat. The only card that escaped is Airmiles, as baby was playing wtih it at the CU.

And I”m just wiped out today. Too many late nights. I was trying to nap with baby today when she finally went down at 2, but first I checked email then had a call then needed a snack then read a short story (in bed) then she woke up. And yes, nursed/slept on the breast for another hour, but the position was such that I couldn’t nap.

And the evening just felt long. Asleep by 9:30. Wiped out. Blah day.

But, I did pray.

HEre’s to tomorrow.

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