Sick Bonus

Still sick. Head still throbbing. It’s not as bad as yesterday but still definitely there. I bend down slowly and take corners at a snail’s pace.
I am grateful, though. Time with my daughter continues to be wonderful, even if I sometimes crave a few minutes to myself. Which was provided by my husband today – with their walk and her nap, I had about 3 hours to MYSELF. And since I’m sick: I didn’t work. (okay, well, I did finish putting away my laundry and do a TINY TINY bit more work. But really, it was the tiniest of bits). Then I ate, drank tea, finished a novel (reading, not writing), and sorted through a pile of magazines, pulling inspiring decorating pictures (another bonus: since this is the stack that husband clipped through last night, we can now trash about 2 inches of magazines. Only 3 substantial stacks to go!). I haven’t had a chunk of time like that to myself to do just what I wanted since before baby was born. I would say that time like that, especially on weekends, is probably what I miss most since having a baby. I would occasionally hole up for an entire weekend and read 1 – 2 novels. And watch movies. And just do whatever I wanted. Not as possible now. But on the plus side, I get to cuddle the little sweet girl I love more than anything. So, compensation.

On the decluttering front: things have slowed with this weird illness and a crazy week, but items are still leaving our home. Latest is around 5 pieces of baby clothing. I also scanned & shredded an inch of paper this past week. I am looking forward to making more inroads into SOMETHING but am giving myself a pass this weekend. Enough to do with keeping myself together, caring for baby and prepping for next week.

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