Baby and I spent the last week up at my parents’ home. Husband was out of town for work and it seemed like a good idea. He wouldn’t worry about me alone in the house, and I would have more help and eliminate my morning and evening drives with baby, one of my biggest sources of stress.
End result: I would say it worked. I got time with my family. In particular, I had some good opportunities to talk with my brothers and my dad. My mom and I usually find time to talk frequently by phone, email or in person, but the males in the family can be harder to track down. I talked with one brother about school and a writing assignment; with the other about what he’s up to; with dad about religion, family, health. I’m grateful for these conversations.

Not driving baby was also truly wonderful. So delightful not to have to pack everything up in the morning! No worries about how she’ll deal with the drive that day. When I get back home after work, that’s it: no rush to nurse or pack or feed her or figure out how to time everything to get her home in one piece. This fueled my interest in having us live on the same property (duplex perhaps?) at some point in the future. Not that my mom will have to look after baby forever :). But being close like that has a lot of advantages.

It was also surprisingly comfortable being back in the bedroom I lived in for so many months. I moved back into that room when I came back from Mississippi and stayed there for a few years. Being there in the winter brings back lots of great memories. I felt warm, cozy, taken care of.

Also interesting this week: baby’s sleep patterns changed. She slept more long stretches and woke up less often; she seemed to want to do the final stages of falling asleep by herself rather than with me patting her or even touching her; and she slept in more, until around 8 most mornings. Except of course Friday, the day I can sleep in. I’m curious to see how she sleeps now back at home and with dad back in bed.

It’s good to be home, too. I know how to use this space in a way I don’t for my parents’ home. We have things where I need them. I’m able to manage watching her play while preparing food or doing other work. And we also got in some great play, eating, a walk … life with baby is fun.

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