Blog blog blog

I feel blogged out tonight. Lots going on. Cutie girl in the bed. Work is busy, good and challenging. House is in order. Bills to pay. Interesting websites to read. Reading an old conversation on facebook with a friend – didn’t realize we’d written so much goign back to 2007 and it’s a really interesting journey to see where I was at and re-appreciate our friendship. Some insights I gained got lost in the interim. And I really didn’t know a lot about babies!
I finally said my obligatory prayer tonight for the first time in a while. Thanks sister for the inspiration! It felt good. I remembered most of it:).

I don’t know why I don’t just sit down, blog and go to bed. I really want more than anything to be curled up with my baby. I constantly go and check on her. But all the chores seem to take forever. And then the internet … curse you, internet! I’m sucked in before I know it. Mind wandering in a wonderful, relaxing way. And now it’s 10:15. Baby has been asleep for over 2 hours. How did the time fly?

And though I want to blog and be a writer and put thought into this, right now I just want to go and be with her. So off I go. Maybe tomorrow I can buckle down and write more. Because I want to write. Tomorrow I think it will be about BODY!

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