More grumpiness today. It’s hot; I start a 3-day training course tomorrow (my longest work-like stretch yet and I don’t know how I will like it); Baby wasn’t really into the naps today, or nursing; and I don’t know, I’m just feeling stressed and frustrated. I would not say I handled it well, but I at least tried a few things.
I hugged my husband a few times.
I cuddled with baby on the bed skin to skin and smelled her wonderful head.
I ate lunch and dinner.
I did some breathing – 30 seconds’ worth at least!
I prayed.
I gave in to baby’s need for speed and helped her walk back and forth and back and forth and let my other work go.
After much prodding from my husband I went for a walk around the block.
Not a brilliant day, but survivable. I still need to make lunch for tomorrow and have some computer work I want to do (posting things for sale online with hubby; balancing my credit card statement; prepping student loan letters to mail). Or, just go to bed since I have a full day tomorrow.
30 seconds of breathing cheered my day and gave me laughing time