Day Off

Sometimes the best thing for my own and my family’s personal peace is a day off.
Of course, the day is never completely “off”, but it can be filled with more leisurely pursuits and time to unwind and stretch out and enjoy being. Though these things can be integrated into a regular day, a bit of time devoted strictly to them is also good!

So we slept in until 8 (thank you baby!). I made pancakes for breakfast. We did some cleaning (in a leisurely fashion!) and then had a shopping trip to Jysk – just one store, just a few items, and helping a neighbour buy a new bed. Then home to baby play & nap, lunch (yum – salad with fried sandwiches on fresh bread) and a couple episodes of Drop Dead Diva which we both fortunately enjoy. Hanging laundry – so nice to have the laundry room nearly operational and not have smelly diapers around! – and more relaxing. Tomorrow is back to renos and prep for work for me but today is a good break.

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