Indulgent and healthy treat.

On a library visit recently I thumbed through a copy of “Mothering” magazine and happened on a picture of a rich, chocolate pudding. I love chocolate pudding. And I never have chocolate pudding, especially now, because it’s a high sugar, usually heavily processed non-food. Imagine my delight to see this picture in a raw food article, full of healthy natural recipes!
In my hungry sugar-deprived state I copied it out, hoping I’d make it but trying to be realistic about how how much attention I usually pay to recipes. However, this afternoon, luxuriating in the warmth on our porch, both M & I were craving a rich yummy treat. And through a fortunate coincidence, I’d somehow made sure that the extra ingredients for this recipe were included in our latest shopping list, and purchased over the past several days.

We whipped up, we indulged, we loved it.

Raw Choconana Pudding (slightly modified)

1 Avocado

1 ripe banana

1/4 cup cocoa powder (in the future we might substitute some carob instead)

1/4 cup honey (or less – we used probably 2 TBSP instead)

1 Tbsp coconut oil

1 tsp vanilla

+ almond milk to blend

Mix ingredients in blender or food processor (we used a food processor).


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