
Tonight was another long, unpredictable saga. I don’t know if I want to repeat it.
I went to yoga after work and actually enjoyed it. I found myself thinking how important it is to have balance and to take one hour a week for my body. The stretching etc. felt good and I felt more relaxed after class, though I still missed my baby.

I got to my mom’s by 6. And left a bit before 7. She wanted to play. She wanted to eat. She didn’t want to get into the car seat. She did want to stay with my mom and NOT with me. Fun fun fun! Really inspiring for a working mom!

Finally, my mom went and hid while I continued to feed her, and I was able to get her into the car seat and drive off. All went well until she started coughing. I stopped to give her some water and things degenerated. I drove a bit further then pulled over in the face of increasing crying.

That stop, at The Abbey (what is that place? I assume it’s a Catholic outreach centre, but I’m not sure), took 45 minutes. We looked at the “Abbyicap Parking” signs, running back and forth between the two as she poked them and laughed at their similarity. We looked at our reflections. We played with the stucco. We crawled on the roof of the car. We cried when mommy tried to put her into the car seat. We hung out in the dark, damp, cool night.

Husband was great enough to come and meet us, distract her with his bird noises, and keep her happy on the drive home. Where we arrived a bit after 8. She is currently playing on the floor in the office with husband, pulling pens and papers out of drawers and doing her first drawing.

I’m not doing this again. I know I need exercise, but the frustration of the long days, rough departures and unpleasant drives home are not working for me. I’ll need to figure out another way to take care of myself while optimizing drives home.



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