To keep myself calm and stress-free, I’ve found that cultivating a certain sense of entitlement is helpful. For example, I am consistently late for my Monday night yoga class. Previously I was working, arriving home at 5, which didn’t give enough time to eat and get to class by 6. Now, life just happens – a later & longer than expected meeting with our doula. So I was driving to class at 6 instead of being IN the class. Rather than stress about it, I reminded myself that I pay for this class. I will enter as non-disruptively as possible, but it is my prerogative to arrive when I need to. And if the teacher objects, she’s welcome to tell me as well and we can work it out. But in the meantime – feeling self-critical because I am late is not what I want to get from an intentionally relaxing experience!
And the class went well, and the teacher asked me to help demonstrate a few of the partner poses – so I don’t think she was too upset. Next week I should be able to get there on time, problem-free.